What other people are saying

“Sessions with Beata have been a true game-changer for me. Her empathetic and insightful approach made me feel heard and understood from the very beginning. Through her expertise in Internal Family Systems therapy, I gained a profound understanding of myself and the root causes of my struggles. Beata’s guidance helped me break free from old patterns and embrace my life. I’m forever grateful for her support and highly recommend her to anyone seeking positive transformation.”

Anton W., Amsterdam, Netherlands

“Beata is a gifted transformational coach and an absolute joy to work with. Her knowledge of Brainspotting and other methods allowed me to confront and overcome the challenges that were holding me back to make a very important step in my career. With her guidance, I’ve grown more self-aware, confident, and resilient. Beata has provided me with tools to navigate through this change with grace, focus, and compassion. Connect with her if you are seeking personal growth and healing.”

Margot H., Connecticut, USA

“I feel incredibly fortunate to have worked with Beata. From the first session, she made me feel comfortable and supported me in my journey. Through her expertise in Polyvagal Theory, I gained a deeper understanding of my body’s responses to trauma and stress and learned invaluable techniques to regulate my emotions. Beata’s kind and patient nature, combined with her extensive knowledge, make her a standout professional. I’m amazed by the positive impact she’s had on my life.”

Jenny B., UK

“IFIO couples’ sessions with Beata transformed our relationship. Through guided exploration and vulnerability, we reconnected on a level we had never thought was possible.

Her expertise and compassionate support made all the difference. We’re grateful for the positive impact she had on our bond and highly recommend IFIO for couples seeking a stronger connection.”

Andreas & Claudia, Germany